Typical products
Many are the typical products of the Elba Island, many of which related to wine and food that offers a wide range of wines, products and recipes. Among the most important products, we mention extra virgin olive oil, honey, jams, bonito in oil, dessert, beers and many liqueurs.

Elba Aleatico wine, DOCG
Elba Aleatico is a DOCG wine and it can be produced only on Elba island. It’s a precious and ancient dessert and meditation wine.

The Schiacca Briaca
A typical cake that can not be missed at the end of each lunch is the “schiaccia briaca”. It is a very special nearly dry pasta cake.

The Extra Virgin Olive Oil
On Elba Island traditional are grown olive trees with which is produced an excellent extra virgin olive oil falling within the Tuscany IGP (protected geographical indication), such as Frantoio, Leccino, Moraiolo and Pendolino.

Cheese and Ricotta
The Elba Island once lived mainly on agriculture, pastoralism, fishing and work in the mines. Today there are still some important and rare testimony.

Elba honey
Considered as one of the more flavour and tastier honey of Tuscany, for flavour and taste, the Elba honey, thanks to vegetables varieties growing in pristine areas has an extraordinary taste.

The bonito in oil
The Bonito used at Elba to make preservations in oil are captured in the seawater of Elba Island, mainly in the area of Capo Enfola, near Portoferraio.

Jams of Elba
In the popular tradition, Elba mothers and grandmothers prepare the jams, among the preserves, also recovering many fruits from their fruit trees near their homes.

Elba liqueurs
Liqueurs are a product that never fails in Elba families, which are usual by tradition to prepare for personal use liqueurs such as “limoncello”, “mirto” and orange and lemon creams.

Elba Beer
The success of Elba beer is given by love and dedication to own work of Elba breweries that also pay much attention to the choice of the raw material.
Elbaworld suggests

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