Elba rally
The Elba rally has always been a main sport event since 1968 when the first rally took place on the island. That year the winner of the rally was the pilot Arnaldo Cavallari with a Lancia Fulvia HF. There have always been Italian and European championships , graffiti rally and historical rally from then on , which bring rally lovers to the island. Usually there are two rally appointments at Elba: the classic WCR one that recently, after many years, has been brought back to Italy and it takes place in spring at the beginning of tourist season, usually around the end of April, while in September there’s the historical Rally.
The Elba Rallye is one of the most known and beautiful Italian races in the world, a true icon of street races. Bringing back to Elba important races and including the Elba Rally in the Italian championship gives to this sport loved and done by many locals the right its proper place.
There are many elban teams that in the last few years have taken part to several editions, some won and every year more and more teams sign up.
For more information on races and on their schedule we suggest you to contact Aci Livorno Sport
Rally Elba - ACI LIVORNO SPORT A.S.D. c/o Automobile Club Livorno - Via G. Verdi, 32 - 57126 Livorno
Ph.(+39) 0586.898435 - E-mail. acilivornosport@acilivorno.it
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